May 1, 2015 In A Day in the Life of Leslieville Day 123: May Day – Significant for being both the ‘Festival of Flora’ ie; Spring in ancient times and later (19th c) International Workers Day. So here’s to both. Happy May Day! READ MORE
April 30, 2015 In A Day in the Life of Leslieville Day 122: ‘Our true nationality is mankind’. – H.G. Wells READ MORE
April 29, 2015 In A Day in the Life of Leslieville Day 121: ‘Beauty exists not in what is seen and remembered, but in what is felt and never forgotten’. – Johnathan Jena *In honour of 2 Leslievillians, Kristy Hodgson and Betty (her dog), who, tragically, did not survive the accident on Dundas St. last week. And the thousands of other innocents who lost their lives this past week in Nepal and around the world. Cherish Life.
April 28, 2015 In A Day in the Life of Leslieville Day 120: ‘A healthy body means a healthy mind. Look at Albert Einstein. He rode a bicycle and was an early student of Jazzercise. You never saw Einstein lift his shirt, but he had a six-pack under there’. – Steve Carell READ MORE