Leslieville Lives; Stories from the ‘Ville – Signe Langford

Meet Signe. My first encounter with Signe was in her backyard back in 2009 or ’10. We didn’t know each other then, but a friend had asked me along to a ‘foodies’ lunch. Who wouldn’t go to that?! It was a great afternoon of eating, drinking and socializing. ‘Who is this interesting woman?’ I thought afterwards. We had a few more encounters after that. One was buying her bed. Does anyone remember the hilarious ad on Kijiji that went viral? “For Sale. Yoga Mat. Used Once. $1.” Well, it was in that vain. Laugh out loud funny.  For an extra $50, the bed came with her expert handyman who dismantled it and put it all back together. A bargain. And I got a ‘gift with purchase’: a half-dozen eggs from her beautiful backyard hens. The next was at the Cow Ball, which Signe organized in aid of cow-sharing to link city dwellers with real food from real farmers. Our paths crossed long before this, but I’ll get to that.