This is for you, Dave

Sometimes you can tell life has thrown you a few curve balls when your friend Dave says ‘Hey, haven’t seen a post for a while’. I saw him at a party last night – our very dear friend Trish’s 60th birthday. He had to leave a little early and when I was driving home much later last night, thought about what he said and realized, ‘Yeah, I haven’t posted recently or done many of my usual ‘routine’ things of late.’

When life is a bit of a routine, it signals things are actually good and nothing has disrupted the status quo. The word routine can signal dull and boring, but I find as I get older, it’s a sign that things are on an even keel, and that’s a not a bad thing.

So yeah, there’s been some disruption to the routine. But every day, I still take my dog, Dre, out for a walk; morning and afternoon and the nightly midnight pee walk to the corner and back. So despite the curve balls, some things MUST remain the same. And she is one.

And no matter what pops up in life, nothing interrupts me walking Dre and photographing our walks. Some days, that routine can be the only good thing that happens in a day, and one good thing is all we need.

Here are some snapshots of our March walks. The weather in March was much like our lives this past month – all over the map! I think we had Spring for about 4 hours, and the sunrise/wind/rains/snow/crazy skies invited a lot of unexpected joy into what has been a challenging month. Hail to the furry friends who keep us on our path. Enjoy!

  • Your phone-date pal

    April 2, 2019 at 6:53 am Reply

    Thanks for the thoughts Diane. It brings a reminder that we must do at least one thing that makes us happy every day. Love your photos too! xo Jojo

    • diane

      April 2, 2019 at 8:52 am Reply

      Indeed it does! And thanks Jo. Taking Dre out and making photos is such a great daily meditation. Despite my April Fool’s joke, I would never give her/that up. Lol

  • Trisha Grace

    April 2, 2019 at 3:44 pm Reply

    Lets’ hope that the brutal Winter of 2019 is far behind us!

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